Constructor function for class AplArray
The constructor function of the AplArray class takes a scalar or vector value is input. Scalars are input as a single int, float, or single character str. Vectors are entered as a Python list. Only one dimensional arrays (vectors) of primitive data types are handled properly by the constructor. Reshaping can be handled by a wrapper function. With some work, the constructor should accept nested arrays.
class AplArray:
def __init__(self,data):
if type(data)==list: # Handle list data.
self.shape = [len(data)] # List data only handles scalars = data # for now.
for item in
if (type(item) not in [int, float, str]):
print("Invalid Data Type") # Need an exception.
elif type(data)==str: # Handle str or char data. = data
self.shape = [len(data)]
if self.shape == [1]:
self.shape = []
elif type(data)==int: # Handle integer scalar. = data
self.shape = []
elif type(data)==float: # Handle float scalar. = data
self.shape = []
else: # Need an exception.
print "Invalid data type."
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